
Tax Rates & Information

California’s tax burden is about average, being slightly above the average of all states and below the average of other industrial states. The state has one of the largest economies in the world and supports new businesses and industries through available tax credits.

Though personal income taxes are above average, the state has one of the lowest property tax rates. State income taxes are levied according to income levels and are used to provide valuable public services, education, parks, roads, and public safety that improve residents’ quality of life.

Lowest Property Tax Rate in the US, Rocket Mortgage

Sales Tax Rates

  • California sales tax rate - 6%

  • County tax - .25% + .5% Measure A

  • Local 1%

The California Competes Tax Credit is an income tax credit available to businesses that want to locate or stay and grow in California. Over $180 million in tax credits are available each year and are awarded based on 12 factors of evaluation, including number of full-time jobs created, amount of investment, and strategic importance to the state or region. 

California is one of 45 states to levy a broad-based tax on corporate profits, and its CT is the state’s third largest source of General Fund revenues. The CT encompasses three different individual taxes—the corporate franchise tax, corporate income tax, and bank tax.