Established Community

Old black and white photo of Beaumont main street

Beaumont is a well-established community in Riverside County, home to nearly 2.5 million residents. The area was settled in the mid-1800s as a stop along the Southern Pacific Railroad and incorporated on November 18, 1912. Throughout the years, the community has grown, and the city has undertaken numerous endeavors to provide residents with amenities that enhance their quality of life. The immediate market-area population (within a 15-mile radius) exceeds 120,000. Continued growth is anticipated, making Beaumont a desirable location for new investments, offering exceptional development opportunities to new or expanding businesses.

An Established Location for Business

Beaumont businesses have found the community welcoming, supportive, and well-positioned to help their businesses grow and thrive. The city’s many attractive amenities and community life have made it home to a well-educated resident workforce, including many “out-commuters.” 

Home to Strong Manufacturing, Educational Services, and Healthcare Sectors

Due to the city’s strategic location at the confluence of Interstate 10, State Route 60, and Highway 79, it is an established position as a regional center for retail shopping. Its location provides immediate proximity to the Inland Empire’s core industry clusters and potential connections to other regional strengths.

Cal Fire Trucks in beaumont

Public Services and Healthcare

Beaumont residents have an exceptional quality of life with access to the public and community services they need to thrive. Community standards are high in Beaumont and the city continuously works to develop a dynamic city to work and live in. 

A Safe Community

The city is committed to creating a safe, peaceful community for residents and businesses and has placed an emphasis on public safety through education and crime prevention. Even with a population that has doubled, the number of major crimes has declined for more than 20 years. 

Fire and Emergency Services

Fire protection and emergency services in the City of Beaumont are contracted through the Riverside County Fire Department and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), which services over 31 million acres of California's privately-owned wildlands and provides varied emergency services in 36 of the State's 58 counties.


Beaumont residents have access to high-quality healthcare at the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital, Sundance Corporate Center and state-of-the-art Loma Linda Medical Complex. The facilities provide medical offices, urgent care, emergency services, and an outpatient surgery center, along with a variety of medical and surgical programs and ancillary services.