Riverside County Film Commission


The Riverside County Film Commission (RCFC), a division of the Riverside County Economic Development Agency (RivCo EDA), is recognized by the California Film Commission as the official advocate for filming interests in the region.

The RCFC is also a member of the Film Liaisons in California, Statewide (FLICS). A FLICS designation recognizes the staff of the RCFC for their knowledge of all issues that affect production in their area. The FLICS certification serves as a "Seal of Approval" to the film industry and assures film companies that a FLICS location representative understands the film business and will be able to capably assist their company's on-location efforts.

Potential Filming Locations in the Beaumont / Cherry Valley Area

The City of Beaumont is proud to partner with the RCFC to promote filming opportunities in the Pass Area. If you are interested in working with the RCFC on filming projects in the Pass Area, please call 951-955-2044 or visit RCFC website